

Stay abroad

My father, born in January 1937 in Greece, holds two citizenships, Greek and German. He came to Germany at the age of 21, worked continuously in Germany, and has been retired for over 15 years. He owns a house in a rural area near Stuttgart, but has ...

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The bank creates a Schufa entry.

Dear lawyers, My question concerns a Schufa entry that was created through the Barclaycard. This came about as follows: due to having to wait for money from a business partner, I fell behind on the payments of the credit card amounts. However, in or...

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Examination of work reference

Dear Sir or Madam, I am not satisfied with the reference letter for my mother and believe that there is a need for significant corrections. Would you be able to review the letter and draft a letter to the employer with the necessary corrections? T...

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Use of negatives

Hello, I have the opportunity to purchase negatives that are said to be from the 1950s. They show a famous Hollywood actress. However, they are not the originals, but professionally created negatives from photographing. This was commissioned by an Am...

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Reward system

I have agreed on the following bonus system with my employer: The calculation basis consists of the following revenue groups: A, B, C The revenues of the relevant month as well as the previous year's month are determined monthly. In group A, each f...

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Legal aid

Hello, I had to apply for legal aid. I disclosed my income and obligations. Recently, I deposited money into a casino and lost it. Will the court be aware that I played at the casino, so will they also look into my expenses? Thank you in advance, G...

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Fire protection regulations / Rental property

As a new tenant of a very high-quality residential complex with a net monthly rent of 1900 € in Munich with a courtyard, I currently observe that several bicycles are being parked in the area of the courtyard near the walls. Although there are 3 sign...

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Moving on Hartz4

I am a single parent on welfare. Now I want to move, but the job center has rejected it with the reasoning that the move is not necessary. Now my question is: can I move without the approval of the job center? Because the job center has no additional...

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Creditreform and Schufa

Hello! The following problem is bothering me! Yesterday, I viewed a new apartment and also got it. I signed a preliminary contract and provided all my personal data. I also had to consent to the German Annington obtaining information about my creditw...

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Legal advice

Topic: Cash flow statement The tax office conducted an external audit on me according to Paragraph 193 (1) of the Tax Code. The accounting was mostly in order. During the closing discussion, it was made clear that there were no signs of tax evasion...

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Unreasonable fee?

Dear lawyers, I have been employed as an external employee at a temporary employment agency since 10.09.2007. The employment contract was initially temporary, was extended several times, and has been unlimited since 01.07.2009. One of the criteria f...

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termination of a partnership interest in a GbR

Dear Sir or Madam, Several years ago, I founded a partnership with other individuals to acquire and rent out a multi-family residential building. Due to various disputes within our company, I terminated my shareholding on December 31, 2008. The ter...

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Right of Ways

Dear lawyers, I am the administrator of a residential community with 25 units. One owner is suing for "annulment of resolution" against the other owners, owner list will be submitted later, I am appointed to the proceedings as the administrator. The...

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Problems with the tax consultant

Hello, I have the following problem: My former tax advisor sent me a new invoice 7 months after the original billing (tax return for 2007). She started working for me in the fall of 2005; it was verbally agreed that she would do my tax return (I am a...

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spousal reunion

My Vietnamese wife and I are accused of a sham marriage, which is not the case, and therefore her reunification with me in Germany is denied. This is a serious accusation and I have even undergone a house search by the Federal Border Guard to determi...

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Parking space building loads without easement.

Construction and Architectural Law: The parking space obligations for a commercial building located approximately 300 meters away have been registered on our undeveloped 789 sqm property since 1995. These obligations were registered to avoid payment ...

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Employment contract

Dear Sir or Madam, In December of last year, I received an offer from an employer with whom I had previously been employed on a minor basis, for a six-hour daily (five days a week) job. The agreements were only verbal. I started working on January 1...

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