

Shipping copyrighted works

Hello, Suppose someone copies a copyrighted image from the internet to their mobile phone and sends it in a private chat (WhatsApp) to a contact (e.g. girlfriend). Would this already be considered a violation of copyright law?...

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I want my dog back.

I live in Hessen. I submitted all documents or personally spoke to the regulatory office on Monday, 10.8.15 and asked them to grant me a temporary permission to keep my dog. I submitted the following documents: proof of dog tax payment, liability in...

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Accessibility of the Imprint

I run a website as a (small) freelancer - not an online shop, just a kind of business card, I also don't have terms and conditions etc. - and I would prefer not to disclose my name in connection with the place of residence to search engines. Therefor...

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Marital status incorrectly stated

Good day, In September 2011, I got married abroad (for the second time), explicitly with separation of property. A week later, I signed a purchase contract for a condominium in Germany. The negotiations had taken almost two years and the seller had ...

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genetic material

My friend and I want to get married. He has an illegitimate daughter. Before our relationship, I bought a house and am the sole owner on the property register, as well as the sole person responsible for the mortgage payments so far. We don't actually...

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Inventory of estate

Dear Sir or Madam, My husband has passed away. We have 3 children together, and my husband has one child from a previous relationship. We have a joint will, a Berlin will, which names me as the sole heir. However, I have received a request from the ...

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pretended own use

Dear Sir or Madam, After significant differences with the tenants of my apartment, I asked my lawyer to terminate the rental apartment due to own use, as there was no other way to get the tenants out of the apartment. They then moved several houses ...

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Rented apartment with furnishings

Hello, I have a condominium that I rented out on 01.12.2008. The apartment was fully furnished by me. Current value is approximately 3500 to 4000 euros. The apartment is 50 square meters, 2 rooms + kitchen/bathroom. Rent is 320 euros cold + 10 euros ...

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Orphan's pension/waiting period

Hello, We have a very sad problem in the family. My sister became a widow last week. The death of my brother-in-law has deeply affected us all. And on top of all the grief, there are now financial problems (debts, 2 young children...). Upon reviewin...

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Sale of an online shop

In the contract, it states in the preamble "...the transfer of the entire business assets..." or in §1 "...with the fixed assets, but without any other assets and liabilities..." What does this mean? From our side, only the shop (domain including th...

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Dear Mr. Lawyer, I have the forced eviction of my apartment tomorrow. I have been aware of the eviction for several weeks. My income comes from abroad. I have received the commission settlement from my boss, as well as the transfer slip signed by th...

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Special termination

I placed a relocation order for Surf and Phone Flatrate with 1&1 on 30.03. The new connection is scheduled for 18.05. Now 1&1 says that there is no available port at Telekom, and no one can say when the new connection will be possible. How long do I ...

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Money demand

- November 2009 Conversation between Sina (23 years old) and Kevin (17 years old) via mobile phone - 12 Nov. Kevin mentions prices of iPhone 1 = 380 € / 2 = 350 € with reference to invoice, receipt, and warranty (email) - 13 Nov. Inquiry from Sina vi...

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Trademark patent

Dear Sir or Madam, I own an auto repair shop and have taken over my father's company name (established in 1978) and have also had it patented. However, the name "ISKU" is patented in Nice Class 35 by the furniture company ISKU in Finland since 2004....

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