Speeding in Switzerland
I was caught speeding on the highway near San Vittore on 05.06.10.
Measured speed (118km/h) after deducting the tolerance 112km/h,
allowed maximum speed 80km/h, so 32km/h too fast.
After 2 weeks, I received a questionnaire to determine my personal details, which I answered.
The Swiss authorities have now sent me a "fine" by registered mail totaling 1050 CHF and a one-month driving ban in Switzerland.
I do not intend to pay the fine.
My question is:
Since there is no enforcement agreement between Switzerland and Germany yet, can the Swiss authorities take action against me and what steps can I expect from the Swiss side if I do not respond further. I do not plan to enter Switzerland in the next 3 years.
And if such an enforcement agreement were to be concluded, could the Swiss authorities hold me accountable retroactively?
Thank you in advance for your response
Kind regards