Common expenses distribution in a multi-house complex
As far as the declaration of division / community regulations does not regulate anything further, all costs in a multi-house complex must be combined in a total sum per type of cost and distributed according to the agreed distribution key (which means that, for example, if the general electricity consumption is to be determined on a per-house basis, all amounts for all houses will be combined and typically distributed according to the co-ownership shares).
With regard to single-family houses, I can, for example, assign drainage fees and garbage collection fees exactly to the individual user according to the tax assessment notice.
QUESTION 1: Can I assign costs directly to individual users or separate consumption-based costs without a resolution (according to WEG § 16 paragraph 3), i.e. can I allocate the accounting peak of drainage credits or payments to the previous year even if they only occurred after the end of the actual fiscal year - in accordance with the matching principle or only what actually flowed in and out in terms of cash flows in the fiscal year?
QUESTION 2: Regarding "garbage cans," can individual garbage containers in a multi-house complex (here: single-family houses) be reduced or increased at the request of an individual without a resolution, or does it also require a resolution even if it only affects ONE specific owner?
Short and concise answer is sufficient!