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Is distributing advertising flyers allowed?

Dear Sir or Madam,

We are a newly established alteration tailoring shop and would like to send or distribute flyers to private households in the area where we are located.

Is this allowed?
Are there any clauses that I can use?

Andreas Scholz

Dear questioner,

Of course, you can distribute your flyers in the local area by putting them in mailboxes or sending them to recipients. If it is evident from the mailboxes that advertising is not welcome, I recommend refraining from distributing the flyers in that case.

From a legal point of view, distributing them is completely unproblematic. In particular, you do not need to include any contractual clauses on your flyers to avoid potential legal attacks. Just in case it is clear on the mailbox that advertising is not welcome, you should refrain from distributing them to avoid potential legal trouble, which could potentially result in a cease and desist claim against you. Otherwise, your plan is completely unproblematic.

I hope this helps you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Best regards,

Andreas Scholz, Attorney

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Andreas Scholz