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Unemployment / Job placement certificate

The following situation:
I was terminated for operational reasons from 30.07.2009 to 30.09.2009.
I am now self-employed and actively looking for work. I am registered as a jobseeker. I search for jobs on the internet, including on the job agency's website, and I was quite shocked to discover that, without exaggeration, at least 80% of job offers are posted by private employment agencies.
After sending several applications via phone, mail, and email within a 50km radius, I always received the same response: "Unfortunately, we cannot consider your application as you do not meet the requirements of the placement certificate." I called the job agency, and they told me that I have to be on unemployment benefits for at least 8 weeks before I can get these jobs or the certificate.
Something is definitely wrong in Germany, even if it is regulated by law. I could start a job immediately without becoming unemployed and burdening the state or the office. It can't be right that I have to become unemployed before I can find work again. The state should be interested in keeping people employed rather than integrating them into unemployment. I cost the office €1231.86 per month for two months of unemployment benefits. The certificate is worth €2000, so if all companies calculate like our country does, it's no wonder that so many companies are insolvent. It doesn't surprise me that our country and the job market are so poor in this area.
Is there any way to obtain this certificate without being on benefits? Apart from paying the amount directly to the agency, but I can't bring money to work. This should really be forbidden - being prevented from working by such laws that, in my opinion, are almost illegal.
If 8 out of 10 jobs require this certificate, it is no wonder that one becomes unemployed with the involvement of the country. Is there anything that can be done?

Andreas Scholz

Dear questioner,

The legal regulations actually provide that the entitlement to the job placement voucher generally exists for those who are entitled to ALG and have not been placed for at least two months, § 421g SGB III.

There is no provision for a hardship clause.

If you apply for the VGS without meeting the legal requirements for issuance and receive a rejection, the only legal recourse would be to file an objection. However, this would most likely not be successful. Additionally, before the decision of the appeal authority on the application, the requirement of the two-month entitlement would be met.

Indeed, it seems that receiving a VGS before the two months have elapsed is legally not possible for you.

One option would be to still contact a private job placement agency. Often, they offer placement services even if you do not yet have the VGS. If you then accept a job after the waiting period has expired, it will be free for you if you present the job placement voucher. You should then submit the application as soon as possible after the two months have passed. For details in this case, discuss with the job placement agency in advance.

I hope I could help you. If you have any uncertainties, please ask.

Best regards,

Andreas Scholz, Attorney

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Andreas Scholz