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Car purchase through so-called insolvency auction

The following problem:
I have purchased a Mercedes C32 T vehicle at a large so-called insolvency auction at the biggest auction house in Hamburg, "Auktionshaus Meyer". The vehicle was advertised and promoted in the documents as having "full equipment".

I bid mainly for this reason, as I am aware that the additional equipment for Mercedes is extensive and valuable.

After paying for and picking up the vehicle, I realized that the vehicle is by no means "fully equipped" and also has hidden engine problems.

Furthermore, through a call to the previous owners, I found out that the vehicle was not offered as part of an insolvency case, but rather the client was a commercial car dealer. It was sold by the previous owners to the car dealer.

The auction house rejects any warranty with reference to the non-liability in their auction terms.

Are there any possibilities?
Rescission of the contract?
Price reduction?

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Experte für Civil law

Dr. Dr. Danjel-Philippe Newerla

Dr. Dr. Danjel-Philippe Newerla


Amtsgerichtsbezirk: Bremerhaven


R+V Versicherung AG
65193 Wiesbaden

Die Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Newerla beschäftigt sich schwerpunktmäßig mit dem Familien-, dem Erb-, dem Wettbewerbs-, Internet- und Computerrecht sowie dem allgemeinen Zivilrecht.

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Rechtsberatung und der außergerichtlichen sowie gerichtlichen Vertretung hat sich die Kanzlei auf die Erstellung sowie Überprüfung von Verträgen jeglicher Art, sowie Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und Onlineauftritten sowie die Abwehr wettbewerbsrechtlicher, sowie marken- und urheberrechtlicher Abmahnungen spezialisiert.

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  • Internet and computer law
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