Penile fungal infection
Hello! I have a fungus on my penis.. Red spots that are uncomfortable and a bit painful. I also had a fungal infection when I was younger at the age of 18 but I can only vaguely remember how to treat it correctly myself... Back then I went to the doctor and I think he said the following or at least I think this is correct: Clotrimazole - apply 2-3 times daily to the glans? Treatment duration ~1-2 weeks? Then I read that one should keep the glans dry - but if you smear this oily cream on the penis 2-3 times a day, isn't it always moist from the cream? That's exactly what I've been doing since last Monday! (fungicide from the combination pack for women) And when that ran out, my girlfriend had some fungicide.. I feel like it has slightly improved, but it's still there, it's starting to bother me. I searched the internet.. there are many other remedies.. So a doctor in another forum recommended "Polydona/Betaisodona with Bepanthen"? 1:1 mixture? Miconazole etc.... Since I am currently working abroad, I really would like to avoid going to the doctor here (I know of course that this would be the correct way) So what would you recommend to me? Can it take this long? Should I try a different remedy? Am I doing something wrong? How long does it usually take in men? Thank you in advance! Best regards, Benni