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How does the MRI examination work?

Dear Radiology Expert,

My name is Uwe Krebs and I have been experiencing increasing health problems lately, which have led me to consider undergoing an MRI examination. My general practitioner has advised me to gather more information about this type of examination, as he believes it could help with diagnosing my symptoms.

My current health issues include severe back pain, which has been occurring more frequently and affecting my daily life. I am concerned that these pains could indicate a serious medical issue and I hope that the MRI examination can provide more clarity.

I have already found some information about MRI examinations online, but I would like to learn more from an expert. How exactly does the MRI examination work? What are the steps involved during the examination? And what kind of information can it provide about my health condition?

I would greatly appreciate your expert advice, as I hope that the MRI examination can help me better understand my health problems and receive the appropriate treatment.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Uwe Krebs

Nina Bergmann

Dear Uwe Krebs,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding an MRI examination. I understand that you are concerned about your health and hope that this examination can help diagnose your symptoms. I am happy to explain in detail how an MRI examination works and what information it can provide.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is an imaging technique that uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images of the body's internal structures. Unlike X-rays or CT scans, which use ionizing radiation, MRI is a safe examination method as it does not expose the patient to radiation.

During the MRI examination, you will lie on a table that is inserted into the MRI scanner. Depending on the area of the body being examined, special coils will be placed around the area of interest. During the examination, you may hear loud noises caused by the switching on and off of the magnetic fields. It is important to remain still throughout the examination to avoid blurry images.

MRI can provide information about various types of tissues in the body, such as muscles, joints, organs, and nerves. It can visualize injuries, inflammation, tumors, vascular changes, or other anomalies in the body. This way, MRI can help identify the cause of your back pain and provide a more accurate diagnosis.

After the MRI examination, the images will be evaluated by a radiologist who will create a report on the findings. This report will then be made available to your treating physician, who can determine the next steps regarding your treatment.

I hope this information is helpful and answers your questions about MRI examinations. If you have any further questions or are considering an MRI examination, I recommend speaking with your primary care physician or a radiologist in your area.

I wish you all the best for your health and hope that the MRI examination can help clarify your symptoms.

Nina Bergmann

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Experte für Radiology

Nina Bergmann