
Ask a doctor on the topic of Otorhinolaryngology

white spot in the tonsil tissue


I am 42 years old, female, and have had a milky-white spot on the upper edge of my left tonsil for about 6 months.

I noticed the spot because after previous tonsillitis I often have to deal with tonsil stones, which I manually remove on the advice of my ENT. Today I had that feeling of pressure on the tonsil again, as if there was a large tonsil stone inside. However, there was no tonsil stone, instead I noticed that the white spot had enlarged, about 3 mm in diameter. It cannot be manually removed, scraped off or squeezed out, it is firmly embedded in the tissue. Now I am terribly worried that it could be tonsil cancer.

I am attaching a photo for you. The bloody spot next to the white spot occurred today when I tried to move it and is not normally there.

What do you think, and how quickly should I go to the doctor?

Thank you for your help!

Annika Müller

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Experte für Otorhinolaryngology

Dr. med. Kathrin Hamann

Dr. med. Kathrin Hamann


Seit mehr als 20 Jahren bin ich in der Medizin tätig. Als Fachärztin für Allgemeinmedizin helfe ich in meiner Praxis meinen Patienten.

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