Fear of metastases and current strange symptoms.
I am terrified of metastases... I have various whole-body pains and various neurological symptoms such as cramps and twitching in certain parts of my body, currently mainly in my arms. It feels like an inflammation, with tingling, tearing burning pains at times. I am currently taking 60 mg of Cymbalta. I have already had 2 recent neurological examinations, with no findings. However, my ANA value is at 680... the rest of the rheumatoid values were in the normal range. MRI of the head and CT scans were done last year, with no abnormalities. What could this be? What else should I investigate? I recently also had my PSA value tested, as well as various blood tests for all kinds of possible viral blood findings, all without abnormalities. I have no idea what else to have investigated. I am desperate. I have many recent blood tests, maybe someone can reassure me.