depression Translation: Depression
I was in inpatient treatment until January 2010 (15 weeks) due to a severe depression. On my own request and with a lot of enthusiasm, I left the clinic in mid-January and wanted to start my new life. Since leaving the clinic, I have been treated with Cipramil 40mg and Trimipramine 125mg at night.
Trimipramine was discontinued with the agreement of the clinic upon discharge, as I was only taking it as a sleep aid. Since mid-February, I have been feeling increasingly worse. I have no more enthusiasm or energy, I lack the strength and energy even for everyday tasks. I can't go shopping without feeling sick and dizzy, it's hardly possible to have contact with friends as I react with vomiting and dizziness when I spend a long time around people. My appetite has decreased significantly and I just feel powerless and without energy, preferring to be alone.
Is this a relapse and should I go back to the clinic? Or is it because of the Trimipramine? My psychologist doesn't have any advice and would prefer to admit me or have me treated psychiatrically. What ideas or advice do you have?
Thank you for your efforts!