What protective measures should I take at the workplace to protect myself from infections?
June 7, 2024 | 30,00 EUR | answered by Ludwig Born
Dear Doctor,
My name is David Schwaru and I work in an office with several colleagues. Lately, I have been concerned about my health as we all work in a closed room and there have been cases of illness within the team. Especially during the time of Covid-19, I am worried about the possibility of getting infected, as we regularly interact with customers and suppliers.
I have already taken some measures such as regular hand washing, wearing masks, and maintaining distance, but I am wondering if there are additional protective measures that I should consider at the workplace to protect myself and my colleagues from infections.
I would like to know from you specific protective measures I can take to minimize the risk of infection. Are there special cleaning measures I should follow? Should I use certain disinfectants? Are there ways to improve ventilation in the office to enhance air quality?
I would greatly appreciate your advice to alleviate my concerns and increase safety in the workplace.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Best regards,
David Schwaru
Dear Mr. Schwaru,
Thank you for your message and your interest in workplace safety, especially in times of Covid-19. It is understandable that you are concerned about your health and that of your colleagues when there are cases of illness in the office. It is important to take appropriate protective measures to minimize the risk of infection.
First of all, it is very good that you are already implementing measures such as regular hand washing, wearing masks, and maintaining distance. These basic hygiene measures are very important in reducing the risk of infection. In addition, there are other protective measures that you can observe in the workplace.
An important measure is the regular cleaning and disinfection of surfaces in the office. High-traffic areas such as door handles, light switches, tables, and work equipment should be regularly cleaned and disinfected. Use suitable disinfectants that kill viruses and bacteria. Also, make sure that cleaning cloths are changed regularly and not reused.
To improve the air quality in the office, good ventilation is important. Regularly ventilate the rooms to exchange air and remove possible viruses. If possible, open windows and doors to ensure adequate air circulation. If that is not possible, air filters or air purifiers can also be used to improve air quality.
Additionally, measures such as installing plexiglass barriers between workstations, reducing shared items, and implementing shift work or home office regulations can also help minimize the risk of infection.
I hope these tips help you better protect yourself and your colleagues from infections. If you have any further questions or need additional support, I am happy to help.
Stay healthy and continue to take care of your health in the workplace.
Best regards,
Ludwig Born

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