Strong pressure, left under the ribs up to approximately the hip.
For 20 years, I have had a strong pressure sensation on the left side. After several examinations: gastroscopy, colonoscopy with and without contrast medium, allergy test: lactose, fructose, etc., MRI, neurologically no findings, physiotherapy (short-term success (1 day)), after all these examinations, only a long colon was found. Subsequently, 30cm of colon were removed. Unfortunately, without success, the symptoms persisted. At my wit's end, I went to a naturopath. He said a nerve was pinched. He elevated the nerve and I was symptom-free for 14 days!! However, the symptoms returned faster and more intense after further treatments. It feels like a wire wrapping around the colon, especially when sitting and at night. I can hardly sleep anymore. My husband can sometimes alleviate the pressure through massage. I am hoping for help. M.M.