
Ask a doctor on the topic of Internal medicine

Herpes simplex or shingles?

Dear Sir or Madam,
about 20 years ago, I had a left-sided inflammation in and below my nose. I am now 45 years old. The inflammation at that time was limited to a small area below the nose, about the size of a small fingernail. It initially formed blisters, which then dried up after some time. The inflammation was accompanied by pain in the area of the trigeminal nerve. The pain was not severe, but there was sensitivity when touching the skin on the left side, brushing hair, or eating (teeth were sensitive). This sensitivity disorder lasted only about 2 days. The inflammation took about 1.5 weeks to completely heal. The lymph node on the left lower jaw also swelled for about 1 week. I was skiing at the time and attributed the trigger to the cold, wind, and wet weather. However, from that moment on, I started getting this inflammation more frequently. During the next outbreak, I went to see a doctor. He diagnosed me with herpes in the nose and prescribed Zovirax ointment and Zovirax tablets to prevent it from coming back as often.
For about a year, I had some peace. But then it started again. Every cold, every flu-like illness, sometimes even every 4 weeks with the onset of menstruation, temperature changes, changes from vacation to daily life - I would get this herpes. It was the same course each time: trigeminal nerve sensitivity for about 2 days, lymph node swelling for about 1 week, and blister formation. I didn't think much of it and treated it each time with Zovirax ointment, enduring the pain and discomfort for those 2 days. The blisters never spread, but I have had this at least 50 times in the last 20 years.
When I returned from vacation in the summer, I had it again, about 2 months ago. It coincided with my menstruation and temperature changes. This time, I started researching on the internet and came across alarming stories about shingles. Until then, I had assumed it was just a harmless herpes simplex, not herpes zoster. I went to the dermatology clinic that weekend, but only a young resident was there. She diagnosed me with shingles based on the described symptoms and prescribed Zostex for 7 days. I took it as prescribed, but I didn't tolerate it well - experiencing nausea and general discomfort. However, the inflammation did not go away any faster or better than in previous years without medication. It now worries me that I may have been suffering from shingles all these years.
When I went to see my dermatologist last week for a check-up on my moles, I told him about the situation. He said it couldn't possibly have been shingles every time because that would be too frequent. Additionally, neural sensitivity and lymph node swelling could also be caused by a normal herpes

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Experte für Internal medicine

Dr. med. Ralf Berg

Dr. med. Ralf Berg


Studium an der Universität Freiburg
Promotion überdas Monitoring bei Narkosen Universität Freiburg.
Facharztausbildung zum Anästhesisten und FA für Allgemeinmedizin in Freiburg und Hamburg,
Vorlesungsassisten am Lehrstuhl für Allgemeinmedizin an der Uni Hamburg

Rettungsdienstliche Tätigkeiten in Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Niedersachsen, Baden-Württemberg, Hessen und in der Schweiz.

Seit 1998 in eigener Praxis niedergelassen, Nebentätigkeit als Anästhesist und Notdienstätigkeit in Kliniken und ambulant. Leitung von Fortbildungs- und Qualitätszirkeln, Mitglied im DHÄV und der AGSWN, Qualitätszirkel Moderator, Forschungspraxis der Universität Heidelberg , Ausbildungspraxis für Allgemeinmedizin im Rahmen der Verbundweiterbildung der Uni Heidelberg

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  • General medicine
  • Anesthesiology
  • Internal medicine
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