
Ask a doctor on the topic of General medicine

Lump under the armpit

Hello dear team,

I also have a question. Two weeks ago, I felt a large lump under my left armpit. It was very painful, to the point where I could hardly move my arm. It was about 1cm in size and very sensitive to touch. The area was also slightly red. After about 5 days, the lump had shrunk again, was relatively soft, and hardly sensitive anymore. But it is still slightly noticeable, like a small lump. What could this be?

I would appreciate a response.

Dr. med. Hendrik Bernau

Dear questioner,

You are complaining about a painful lump in the armpit area that has persisted for several days and describe it as up to 1cm in size.

There are different possibilities to consider. Firstly, it could be a simple inflamed sebaceous gland or a so-called sebaceous cyst (a benign cyst in the subcutaneous tissue) in the armpit area. In most cases, a regression as described by you can be observed. However, in case of a recurrence of inflammation, the abscess may need to be surgically removed.

Another possibility is that it could be a swollen lymph node. In this case, further examinations should be conducted, which you should discuss with your primary care physician. If the "lump," as you describe it, is easily movable, please also inform your doctor about this.

Based on the pain you described and the rapid regression, I would initially assume the first scenario. Nevertheless, online advice alone cannot replace a visit to a doctor, which is why I still recommend getting it checked out in person.

I hope I could help you. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me anytime.

I wish you good health.
Best regards,

Dr. med. - anonymized -

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Experte für General medicine

Dr. med. Hendrik Bernau