
Ask a doctor on the topic of General medicine

circulatory and respiratory problems

Dear Doctor,

For the past few days, I have been experiencing a sensation of my blood pressure dropping (tingling in hands and feet) mostly in the mornings, lasting for 1-2 hours. I also feel like I am not getting enough air, despite normal and regular breathing. Additionally, there has been a rheumatoid-like pulsating pain (especially when exhaling) on the left side, about a hand's breadth below the collarbone, although it may just be muscle tension.

I am now concerned about last night (experiencing the described pain below the collarbone, preventing me from sleeping - with no apparent effect on heart rate rhythm according to self-observation), and this morning the symptoms recurred more severely. I was in a meeting in Zurich and at times felt like I was about to fall off my chair (arms and legs partially falling asleep for over 2 hours, heart feeling fatigued as after physical exertion, difficulty breathing, dizziness, followed by brief chills), which was quite shocking. I have since returned to Germany (unfortunately too late to see a doctor), with only a strong feeling of illness without any other symptoms.

My wife had a severe cough about a week ago, treated with antibiotics, and her doctor mentioned she had narrowly avoided pneumonia.

I am worried because I still feel like I am not getting enough air, and I believe I hear sounds in my left side when taking deep breaths. I have considered going to the nearby Ilmtalklinik this evening (without knowing if there is a presence of a general practitioner there).

Remote diagnosis is not possible - what I am hoping for from you is either the reassuring message that even pneumonia doesn't develop overnight, and I should simply visit my GP tomorrow, or the suggestion that it would be better to go to the clinic and not hesitate to seek help, even if I might feel embarrassed.

I am a 35-year-old male.

Thank you for your advice!

Dr. med. Susanne Plotz

Dear Questioner,

I can understand very well that you are worried and as you have correctly recognized, it is unfortunately not possible to make a diagnosis in this way (and would also be highly negligent).

Your symptoms cannot be clearly assigned to a specific medical condition (but this by no means means that they should not be taken seriously!!!!!) So there may be physical causes behind them, a pneumonia cannot be completely ruled out (even though the numbness in your arms and legs does not speak for it. Additionally, pneumonia usually comes with cough and fever. But there are also so-called atypical pneumonias where these symptoms may not necessarily occur). On the other hand, it is also possible that your body is reacting to the mentioned symptoms due to stress (or other psychological burdens you may have). But the crucial thing here is: you are worried and please believe me: you are NEVER making a fool of yourself when you go to a hospital with such complaints. Of course, there is always competent staff on site who will take you and your symptoms seriously. The alternative would be to spend a probably sleepless night at home and to have the understandable fear that the symptoms may reappear. I deliberately do not want to burden you with the numerous diagnoses that could be behind these symptoms, but rather want to tell you: I take you seriously and the colleagues at the hospital will too! There you would have (even if the situation turns out to be harmless) at least the reassuring feeling that someone is right there and can help you immediately if necessary. Of course, I cannot make the decision for you, but I want to emphasize again that you do not have to be afraid of making a fool of yourself when going to the hospital. Because that's what we doctors are here for: to help people who have complaints. No matter how late it is. I hope I could help you a little on this path and wish you all the best!

Warm regards,
Your Susanne Plotz

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Experte für General medicine

Dr. med. Susanne Plotz

Dr. med. Susanne Plotz


Ausgestattet mit jahrelanger, klinischer Erfahrung im Bereich Gynäkologie und Kinderheilkunde, Beraterin mit Leidenschaft, Gesundheitsexpertin, Autorin mehrerer medizinischer und nicht medizinischer Bücher, bin ich für SIE da!

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