
Ask a doctor on the topic of Anesthesiology

Translate the following text to English: Dr. Berg

Dear Dr. Berg,

Thank you for your response. Yes, I will call you on Sunday, but I have a very important question that I would appreciate a brief answer to. I am not able to wait until Sunday...

You mentioned that the ETCO2 was approximately 5-6 mmHg. Shouldn't the normal ETCO2 value be between 35-45 mmHg? Is an ETCO2 value of 5-6 mmHg really normal?

Is it possible for an ETCO2 value of 0 to indicate apnea? Does a possible respiratory arrest always occur together with a cardiac arrest, or can there be apnea without a cardiac arrest?

I would appreciate a brief response. Thank you and best regards.

Regarding the anesthesia protocol, unfortunately there is something concerning going on. I have read the anesthesia protocol multiple times, and it only notes that I had an epidural, with no mention of anesthesia or any complications. It also states that I was allegedly transferred to the monitoring room around 22:25, which is strange considering the poor blood gas analyses at that time. I can send you the anesthesia protocol if you would like.

Dr. med. Ralf Berg

Hello, I have not received a call back from you until today at 9 PM.

Regarding your questions:

I'll start from the back: Respiratory arrest can occur without cardiac arrest. However, after 3-6 (15) minutes of respiratory arrest, there is always also a cardiac arrest, as the oxygen reserves in the lungs are depleted. (Otherwise, one could not dive, for a dive without equipment involves an artificial respiratory arrest. Pearl divers, with training, can go almost 15 minutes without breathing).
Continuation to follow due to time lock... Regards, R. Berg

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Experte für Anesthesiology

Dr. med. Ralf Berg

Dr. med. Ralf Berg


Studium an der Universität Freiburg
Promotion überdas Monitoring bei Narkosen Universität Freiburg.
Facharztausbildung zum Anästhesisten und FA für Allgemeinmedizin in Freiburg und Hamburg,
Vorlesungsassisten am Lehrstuhl für Allgemeinmedizin an der Uni Hamburg

Rettungsdienstliche Tätigkeiten in Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Niedersachsen, Baden-Württemberg, Hessen und in der Schweiz.

Seit 1998 in eigener Praxis niedergelassen, Nebentätigkeit als Anästhesist und Notdienstätigkeit in Kliniken und ambulant. Leitung von Fortbildungs- und Qualitätszirkeln, Mitglied im DHÄV und der AGSWN, Qualitätszirkel Moderator, Forschungspraxis der Universität Heidelberg , Ausbildungspraxis für Allgemeinmedizin im Rahmen der Verbundweiterbildung der Uni Heidelberg

Expert knowledge:
  • General medicine
  • Anesthesiology
  • Internal medicine
  • Other questions to doctors
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