Follow-up question Dr. Berg
Hello Dr. Berg,
Thank you for your response, after many days it finally came through. It's strange that my questions always hang in the queue for days.
I would be happy to call you, what was the phone number again? At what time can I call you?
You know, that was the case back then. Unfortunately, something sad happened back then. I don't know if I am right, but isn't a test dose always used before administering a PDA? In my case, no test dose was given back then supposedly due to lack of time, but the entire 15 ml of Naropin was administered.
1. What about the depth of the epidural catheter? Mine was placed at 4 cm back then. I still wonder if that could have been the cause of the high SPA. Is the depth also dependent on weight? I am extremely slender, weighed 49 kg before my pregnancy, and only gained 8 kg during pregnancy, so I weighed only 57 kg. Isn't the depth possibly a bit dependent on this, meaning that one should puncture less deeply in very slim and petite individuals compared to robust, chubby ones?
2. I have another question regarding the ETCO2 value in the monitor readings:
I still don't know how to interpret the ETCO2 value in the monitor readings, maybe you can make an assumption.
In my monitor readings, it says:
21:52 ETCO2 0 mmHg
21:55 ETCO2 0 mmHg
22:00 ETCO2 0 mmHg
22:05 ETCO2 0 mmHg
22:10 ETCO2 0 mmHg
22:15 ETCO2 0 mmHg
22:20 ETCO2 0 mmHg
I don't understand, could this mean that the ETCO2 was not measured? Wouldn't it have been absolutely necessary in my case due to the high SPA? This would mean that I didn't have anesthesia after all, isn't the ETCO2 value automatically measured, or are there cases where it doesn't need to be measured? Then I probably wasn't intubated because during intubation, the ETCO2 value probably must be measured?? But could it also be that the ETCO2 was not measured because I had a manual ventilation bag?
As you may remember, there is a sheet for this:
Kind regards, thank you in advance;